is Me-To-Me Marketing
Here we go, me and me, launching a blog in 2022! I’m about to publicly announce that this site exists, which will solidify (primarily to me) that I am committing to a public writing practice.
👉 M2M👈 Me-to-Me Marketing
It works like this: I write a blog for makers, mothers and nature lovers, and then I read it.
Here are recent examples of The Shelby Little at work:
- Business Travel Tips: Stay on a Boat in Key West
- Thought Leadership Article: How to Make Pants for Your Thick Ass and Muscular Legs
- Industry Insights: Makers Column
Sometimes I am so inspired, I make a video too! The videos are more labor intensive, and that’s where my creative energy starts to peak, so I can’t call this a vlog or I’ll become haggard and cynical of Me-to-Me (#M2M) Marketing. We don’t want that.
Blogging, for myself? What on earth is possessing me?
Well, for starters, this is the result of a compulsion. I am compelled to create and express myself (not in a postpartum-milk-sack kinda way, though that’s a healthy compulsion too).
When you subscribe, you get all the latest news—right after me!

This blog will harbor my passions:
- Writing
- Making & uplifting other makers
- Nature Loving & preserving our wild planet
- Mothering & the transition to motherhood.
"WTF just happened?!" That was my every thought from conception, wait, that is still my regular motherhood experience.
How to subscribe to M2M Marketing
Someday, I may sell more than my ideas to myself, hell, I may compile a book, or an intentional living calendar. So please subscribe, which you can do three ways:
- In the blog footer (just in case my mom is reading this, scroll down to the bottom right corner of this page and fill out that form)
- Stay on this site for more than 30 seconds and a pleasant pop-up will ask you if you'd like to keep in touch. Avoid selecting "No thanks."
- You can also go over to The Shelby Little Show youtube channel and subscribe there. Truth be told, that's where I get my news first.
This is awesome, Shelby! Fun, informative and very creative!!! I’ll be eagerly awaiting new posts and videos!!
Many many thumbs up!!